Baum Farm
Certified Organic
Canaan, Vermont

Hay Cost

Baum Farm Hay inventory

Dated 4-19-24

Hay lot no. Price RFQ Qty available Type Hay Code Order qty
1 50 110 3 First Cut F6C1 0
2 60 124 92 First Cut F2C1 C&B 0
3 65 127 61 2nd Cut F3C2B 0
4 65 133 37 First Cut F1C1 0
5 70 143 29 First Cut F2C1 0
6 70 150 32 2nd Cut F2C2B 0
7 75 188 28 2nd Cut F2C2C 0

Total available 282
Max ship 44 -44

Total price $0

The above worksheet is the latest inventory of Baum Farm 's hay.  The worksheet is provided so you
as the customer can select the most cost effective hay for your animals.  The hay lots are listed in increasing
price based on the quality of the hay.  The higher the hay lot the better the RFQ (relative feed quality)
Example: hay lot 3 has a RFQ of 127 and a price of $70 a bale.  To select a shipment of hay just put the
order quanity for each until you reach 44 bales.  This worksheet does not calculate the final price of the
shipment but you can do it by multiplying  number of each bales in each hay lot by the price and then totaling the cost.